Immagine Copertina ESG

Driving sustainability for excellent IT operations

EKO365 integrates sustainability and ESG criteria into IT operations, enhancing effectiveness and foresight for business success.

In the digital age, EKO365 excels in Microsoft 365 ecosystem management and security.
We focus on enhancing cooperation, security, and innovation, catering to small and medium-sized businesses with a blend of advanced consulting and specialized training.
Our commitment is underpinned by an Ethical Code, emphasizing reliability, integrity, and responsibility as key to a sustainable future.
This code, rooted in business ethics and transparency, ensures our services are both client-focused and sustainable.
EKO365’s ethos is a call to action for responsible living and working, promising transparency and striving for excellence.

It signifies our dedication to all stakeholders, setting the ethical guidelines for our actions and strategic choices.
Adopting this code demonstrates our commitment to upholding high ethical and professional standards, thus bolstering trust and credibility in our brand.

Pillar Principles of EKO365's Ethical Code

Integrità e trasparenza

Integrity and Transparency

We ensure honesty and clarity in all our operations and communications.


Respect for the Individual

We value each person, promoting an inclusive and respectful work environment.



We commit to acting responsibly, ensuring the safety and protection of the data we handle.

Sustainable Innovation

We promote practices that enhance efficiency without compromising the environment or society.

Service Excellence

We are dedicated to providing high-quality solutions that fully meet our clients' needs.

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